Kerr County Road & Bridge

Request for Bids - Annual Supply Contract of Delivered Fuel

The Kerr County Road & Bridge Department is currently seeking bids for its annual supplies of road materials for the period of Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2025.

Download the 20-page packet of bid documents by clicking HERE.

It includes all the details related to the bid, including but not limited to a letter to interested vendors, material specifications, bid forms, a delivery map, frequently asked questions and more.

Sealed bids are due before:

Opening of bids will be:

Awarding of bids will be:

4:30 p.m. on

Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024

Monday, Nov. 25, 2024

During commissioners' court

Monday, Dec. 9, 2024

During commissioners' court

Kerr County Seal

Road and Bridge

Office Hours and Location

3766 TX-27
Kerrville, TX 78028

Phone: 830-257-2993
Fax: 830-896-8481

Hours of Operation:
Office: Mondays - Fridays, 7 a.m.-Noon and 1-4 p.m.
Road Crews: Mondays -Fridays, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Road Maintenance

Our mission is to provide a safe and cost-efficient roadway system throughout Kerr County. Routine maintenance of Kerr County maintained roads includes: drainage, chipseal road resurfacing, patching potholes, vegetation control, traffic control signage, dead animal removal and dam repairs.

However, there are many miles of roads in Kerr County that are maintained by others:

If you have concerns regarding a Kerr County-maintained road, then please contact our office by phone, email or in person.

Three Types of Roads:

  • Kerr County Maintained Public Access- Maintained by Road and Bridge and utilized by the public

  • Privately Maintained Public Access- Maintained by private property owners or HOAs/POAs and utilized by the public

  • Privately Maintained Private Access- Maintained by private property owners or HOAs/POAs and may restrict utilization to authorized personnel only

Kerr County Road and Bridge Maintains...

  • 458 linear miles of road surface and right-of-ways. (All Kerr County-maintained roads are paved with a chipseal surface.)

  • 18 bridges

  • Several low water crossings.

  • Ingram Dam, Flatrock Park Dam and Lion's Park Dam.

Street Name Signs

Kerr County Road and Bridge Closures

Road Name

Reason for Closure

Closure Date

Expected Opening

No Closures

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Some of our most commonly-asked questions...

*Disclaimer: The following information is intended as a guide and is not intended to cover all situations a property owner may encounter.  It is the property owner’s responsibility to contact the appropriate departments for questions specific to the owner’s property.  The contact information for the departments and/or entities in this section can be found in link included in the affiliated answers.

Does Kerr County Road and Bridge pick up dead animals?


If the dead animal is along a Kerr County-maintained road, then KCRB may pick it up once we have been notified of its location by the public. To view the county's Dead Animal Removal policy, click HERE.

If the carcass is on private property, then it is the property owner's responsibility to pick it up.

If it is inside the city limits of Kerrville, then please contact the City of Kerrville's Dead Animal Pick-up.

If it is inside the city limits of Ingram, then please contact the City of Ingram.

If it is along a highway or other road maintained by TXDOT, then please contact TXDOT.

How do I get Kerr County Road and Bridge to maintain my road?


The road must be built to current Subdivision Rules and Regulation specifications at the owner's expense and must have a Court Order officially accepting the road for maintenance.

Please contact our office for a copy of the Road Adoption packet for more information.

How do I get a mailbox?


Kerr County Road and Bridge does not install mailboxes. Mailboxes along Kerr County-maintained roads should follow the Postal Services standards.

If the property fronts a TXDOT-maintained HWY, FM, Spur or Loop, then please contact TXDOT for further information.

I need a copy of my plat, survey, or deed.


The Kerr County Clerk is the official record keeper for the county. You can visit that office's website and follow the prompts for public records to get access to these documents online.

Some documents are not available online and will require you to go to the Kerr County Clerk's office located in Suite 122 on the first floor of the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main Street in Kerrville.

What are the zoning requirements?


Kerr County does not require building permits or Certificates of Occupancy. There are no zoning restrictions imposed by the Kerr County Subdivision Rules and Regulations. 

However, there are other factors such as: set-back restrictions, plat restrictions and deed restrictions. Other agencies may require permitting, as well, among them: the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Federal Aviation Administration.

Driveway and Floodplain Permits

  • Floodplain permits are required for ALL work performed in the floodplain.  Contact the Kerr County Engineering Office for permitting. (Fee required)

  • Driveway permits are required for repairs and alterations to existing driveways as well as new driveways to access property from a Kerr County maintained road.  Contact the Kerr County Engineer for permitting. (No fee required)

Septic Permits and Water Well Permits

  • OSSF permits are required to install a septic system.  Contact the Environmental Health department under OSSF for permitting.

How far away from the road can I build or place objects such as landscaping, fencing, etc.?


You may place objects and build on or inside your property line. If your property line is in the road or too close to the pavement then staying approximately 10 feet away from the edge of the road is typically, but not always, sufficient. 

 There are several factors to consider in answering this question:

  • Kerr County's right-of-way

  • Utility easements

  • Set-back requirements

  • HOA regulations

  • Sight distance policy

Kerr County Right-of-Way


Every county-maintained road has a right-of-way area along the roadway that is required for Kerr County Road and Bridge to be able to maintain the roads properly.  The right-of-way line varies depending on when the road was built, the requirements at the time it was built and the landscape.

If your property is part of a platted subdivision, then the right-of-way could be notated on the plat. Otherwise, it might be prescriptive and possibly referenced in your deed. 

A surveyor is the only one who can provide exact information on right-of-way locations. If you are looking for an approximation, though, a good point of reference would be the utility poles. Usually, utility poles placed along the roadway are installed on the right-of-way line. If you stay behind the utility pole, then you should generally be clear of the right-of-way.

Sight Distance Policy


Any object obstructing the sight distance on a Kerr County-maintained road must be removed or altered in such a way as to allow for safe travel regardless of whether the object is located on private or public property. Reference Court Order 22974

Setback Requirements


Setback requirements are usually notated in your deed description. 

Utility Easements


Some platted subdivisions and property surveys have a notation of utility easements that are in addition to the county’s right-of-way, while others will overlap with the county's right-of-way.

Can I install a sign in the right-of-way on a Kerr County maintained road?


No, Kerr County Road and Bridge is responsible for all traffic control devices installed on a Kerr County maintained right-of-ways. Traffic Control Devices include: traffic mirrors, political signs, home made signs, privately purchased signs, etc.

Kerr County Road and Bridge has the authority to remove any unauthorized traffic control devices from the right-of-way under the Kerr County Unauthorized Traffic Control Devices Policy.

Private citizens my put private signs on their own private property.

Department Information

Prior to 1986, Kerr County was a precinct system that allowed each county commissioner to oversee the day-to-day operations of the road development and maintenance in their individual precincts.

Citizens voted in 1986 to establish the Kerr County Road & Bridge Department, thus creating a unitized road system. This allows for the Road Administrator to manage the daily operations, while the Kerr County Commissioners' Court, as a whole, sets policy, hires the Road Administrator, decides how much of the tax dollars are allocated for the maintenance of roads and determines which roads will be maintained by the county.

All Kerr County roads located outside a city's limits are named by the Commissioners' Court. That naming process is coordinated through Kerr County Road & Bridge and Kerr911.